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Parents & Students

We appreciate our parents and strive to provide valuable tools and information to help you get what you need to know. Whether its how to find a school, how to get involved, how to check your child's grades or learning about our schools policies and procedures, we are here to help you and to assist in your child's success.

504/PST Contacts

Sarah Smith​

School Start/End Times for 2023 - 2024 School Year​

There have been no time changes for the 2023-2024 school year. Students school times are from 7:50 am - 2:30 pm. Dismissal on early release days will be 1:30pm.

Parent Pick-Up Procedures

Parents are required to stay in their vehicles and present assigned car tag to insure safety and security procedures are followed during dismissal.

Students are not permitted on campus prior to 7:30am as there is no supervision until that time. Once students are on campus, they may proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast if they need it. Students not having breakfast may continue on to their supervised station until the first bell rings.​

Spirit Shirts

Show your school SPIRIT by wearing your school shirt every Friday!

Shirts are available for purchase through our PTA.​

Parents & Students Resources