Parent Resources
The Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance the communication and involvement of parents in their child's education in Volusia County Schools. The ParentPortal will allow you to monitor your child's progress in school by providing Internet access to grades, attendance, discipline, academic history, graduation verification, and standardized test results in a secure password protected environment. Parents should use their assigned username and password. Please click on the Parent Portal link above to sign in. If you do not have a user id or password or have any questions please contact Linda Young at 386-575-4125 ext. 41216.
Math At Home Resources
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Iready Support
Attendance Information
Regular school attendance is vital to a child’s success in school. When a child is absent from school due to illness, the parent must call the school on the date of the illness to report the absence. If a child misses more than 15 days of school per year, parents must provide a doctor’s note to excuse further absences due to illness. Excused absences are acceptable, but unexcused absences can become a problem.
If a child accumulates a minimum of 15 unexcused absences within 90 days, it violates Florida’s Compulsory School Attendance Law. The violation could have legal consequences for the parent and/or the student. The School Board has recently adopted more specific policies for excessive unexcused tardies or checkouts. These absences will now count towards the unexcused absence count. For example, 5 unexcused tardies or checkouts will equal 1 unexcused daily absence.
Please help us improve our students’ rate of attendance. The more our children attend school, the more they learn. Contact your school social worker, teacher, or guidance counselor if you need help getting your child to attend school regularly and on-time every day.
Your school social worker is a resource for students and families. Contact your school social worker, Teresa Wright at ext. 23071, for help with accessing social service assistance, counseling services, medical insurance, referrals to community resources, or if you need help with your child’s academic, behavioral, or emotional concerns. You may also email any concerns to your social worker at